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Jacob For Kanzler

The Future is Bright

The Adriatic League proudly puts forward Consul Jacob Owl as our Kanzler Candidate. Not because he asked for it and not because of his great wealth. Jacob Owl is our Kanzler because of his ideals and principles. He more so than any other in this election will fight for the Interest of his people, the Austrian people, as he has always done. Vote for Jacob, the Future is Bright!

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Trading: Now and Forever

Protecting the Future

I understand trade more than any other candidate running and its not even close. So when I tell you that our trade and our merchants need to be actively and fiercely protected from threats then you know it is true. But importantly I want to not only protect trade for you, I want to protect it and promote it for your children and their children. So when you are teaching your sons and daughters how to be traders because you trust in the future of it, I want you to think of Kanzler Jacob.

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The Adriatic League is now ready to officially announce our endorsements for the parities and seats in this election. We have spent many long hours researching, discussing, and debating about what parities and which candidates to support. So without further ado, our endorsements.


Deutschnationale Partei

The DNP earned our endorsements with their strong character and honorable conduct.

Specifically we wish to throw our support behind candidates Assassinskinfe and Spoch231 in the races for Lienz and Ostmarch respectively.

TAL Candidates Jacob owl and erenumber 1 will both drop of of their races to support DNP.


Das Neue Österreich und Liberales Forum



NEOS has received our backing after they proposed several sound and responsible policies that we agreed with.


The NEOS candidates of Bangers_and_mash and Rasdanation have stood out and will receive our full support in their bids.


TAL candidates rames1126 and victorwinner2 as of now have officially dropped out of their races to support the NEOS candidates. 

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Fighting for Austria

Jacob speaks out against cowards and traitors!

If we don't support our best and bravest then who will? For too long the corrupt and weak willed leaders in our great nation have refused to see past the short term costs associated with adequately supporting our troops and expanding our army. It is time to turn to a leader who can see past the short term and create a bright future for all Austrians.


I am that leader, I have no need for bribes and I do not need nor want to play the game of politics. If elected I would immediately and forcefully begin to ramp up our support of the army. If our army is not increased in size, improved in quality, and provided with better equipment then we risk being surpassed by rivals aboard and attacked from traitors within.

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The Wealth of Austria

Creating Prosperity for all in this new age.

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Building our Markets

It is time to unleash the power of the Austrian people and create a system in which those with wealth can spend easily to help grow our local economies and those without wealth can gain it, if they have the wits. Austria under Kanzler Jacob will invest in our nation's current Marketplaces and develop new and ever growing Marketplaces!

Creating a Grand Navy

The lack of a strong navy has hindered our trade for far too long. No truly great or wealthy nation can realize its true potential until they can control the seas. With a navy comes trade, as our merchants will finally be able to safely travel over friendly seas and not worry about hostile nations and pirates. Austria under Kanzler Jacob will create a grand navy.


Expanding our trade

With proper support and funding being provided to our local marketplaces and an Austrian fleet our trade will expand. Expanded trade will bring us diplomatic power, economic influence, and most importantly more wealth to Austria and its people. Austria under Kanzler Jacob will expand its trade to heights never before seen!


The Culture of Austria

The Austrian spirit is something truly special that you have to see to believe. Its the smell of your local coffee house, its the simple act of helping a stranger, it is the idea that nothing is impossible if you work for it. We all know that Austria and its people have a certain uniqueness that must be cherished and defended at all cost. With me as your Kanzler I will not only defend our culture, but promote it to new lands and peoples.


However a coalition has been formed to put a end to us as a people. This evil coalition is made up of those who wish us ill will and would benefit from our fall. The Doges of Venice, The Bankers of Florence, The Solders of Milan, and the Bishops of The Papal States have created and funded a party in our very ranks. The ERI seeks to destroy the very people who would elect them. Whereas I wish to promote our great culture, the ERI plans to replace us in favor of their masters. Stand with me to stop them before its too late!

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Jacob speaks on the behalf of Austria

A rallying cry

Transcript of Kanzler Candidate Jacob Owl’s speech made in Vienna outside of his campaign office on November 10th 1444

Party Speakers, Vice Kanzler Candidate wharblegarble, members of my party, my fellow Austrians. Generally I am not one for big speeches, as those of you work with me know, I prefer to let my actions speak for me. However I feel I have no choice but to speak with you, the Austrian people, about our future. We as a people and as a nation, stand on the precipice of chaos. Extremist and hostile forces all gather behind the so called Enlightened Republicans of Italy and their masters in Venice and Milan to undermine and destroy the Austrian people. A coalition of the willing have formed to stop them. DNP and NEOS stand with TAL as a strong united front to protect our great and proud nation. With that in mind I wanted to take this time to speak with you all about what exactly we plan to do to steer Austria away from the cliff and into a bright future.

What does a child playing with a wooden toy, 2 young lovers setting sail to unknown lands, and a war hero starting a well deserved retirement have in common? It is what unites us all and I can tell you in one word, Prosperity. Prosperity, it is needed to buy a toy for your first born. Prosperity, it is needed for young lovers to go on the adventure of a lifetime. Prosperity, it is needed for our soldiers to retire in peace and comfort. It isn’t just ducats, it is what you spend it on. My party and I understand that simple rule and that is why we are the only ones who can offer you Prosperity on a grand scale. Whenever you buy something for yourself or a loved one, I want you to think Austria for Jacob, Jacob for Austria.

A nation is only a nation as long as it can defend itself, the ultimate law is force, military force. Now more than ever we desperately need a strong and modern army to defend ourselves from enemies from outside and inside our nation. The vision I wish to share with you is of a army so powerful no nation would dare attack us. A army so vast we can project our influence all over europe and beyond. A army that can be the pride and joy of our nation. Investing in our army would save lives, make us safer, and make us the most prestigious nation in europe. So whenever you get home from another peaceful day at work and whenever you see your sons and husbands come back safe, I want you to think Austria for Jacob, Jacob for Austria.

If I were lucky enough to be elected as your kanzler and was given the humbling duty of representing the interest of all of the people of Austria, there would be a diplomatic revolution. If lives can be defined by our relationships with each other, than the route of a Nation can be defined by her alliances. Austria needs a nation that shares our western and christian values. A nation that can carry its weight economically and militarily. A nation that can help us in conflicts across europe. I believe there is only 1 such nation and it is our brothers in the Honorable Hungarian Kingdom. Its current weakness only aims to serve us as they might not be as agreeable to a alliance otherwise and they are on the rise. When you see Hungarian banners marching along side ours or you are eating a hearty Hungarian meal, I want you to think Austria for Jacob, Jacob for Austria.

The fact that our nation is in such a dangerous position is a travesty of the highest magnitude and I am ashamed that I did not see the danger and act quicker before. However I now see the danger and I hope you see it to. In order to save our nation from the disaster that will surely befall us if ERI is in power I ask that you vote for me and my party. Remember Austria for Jacob, Jacob for Austria!

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Come talk to us and Consul Jacob.

The Adriatic League is always looking for new members.

The most democratic party in Austria, you can have a voice!
The most active party in Austria, join us in our eu4 game, discussions, messing around, and just general fun.
The most powerful party in Austria, who wants to trail behind when you can be first.

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Check in every day

We have lots of stuff planned, right below we have a hint. Can you guess what it will be about?

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